My BI Project Plan Summary

Congratulations! You've reached the end of the ARIS Broader Impact Wizard. Now you can copy or print your notes below and work on your actual BI project proposal in your favorite writing tool. If you would like to change any of your notes, you can always go back through the Wizard.

If this page is blank, you probably haven't gone through the ARIS Broader Impact Wizard yet. Why not give it a go from the top! If you're ready to start work on a new BI Project Plan, click the reset button to clear your data.

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Research Relevance

What are the research/science questions in your proposal?


What are the potential benefits of sharing this information with your audience?


It looks like you haven't started the Relevance step yet.

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Target Audience

Who is your target audience?


What relevant needs are you meeting for this audience?


It looks like you haven't started the Audience step yet.

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Who is (are) your partner(s)?


How will your partner(s) support your BI plan?


It looks like you haven't started the Audience & Partners step yet.

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Project Goals

What activities do you plan to run as part of your Broader Impact efforts?


How would these activities support your target audience(s)?


What is the rationale for doing it this way?


It looks like you haven't started the Project Goals step yet.

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Project Description

How you will implement your specific activities in collaboration with your partners?


It looks like you haven't started the Project Description step yet.

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What resources will you put into the BI budget to support your partnerships and activities?


What is the existing human capacity, financial investment, and technological investment within your group or on campus?


It looks like you haven't started the Budget step yet.

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What activities in your BI plan can be evaluated?


How will you measure the BI plan activities?


Who will you collaborate with to perform the evaluation?


It looks like you haven't started the Evaluation step yet.

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The takeaway message of my BI plan is...


My science is relevant to this audience because...


It looks like you haven't started the Takeaway step yet.

Literature Connections

We have compiled a collection of references for each of your selected targeted audiences below. These may be helpful in your planning process, and they may also help you provide a rationale for your proposed Broader Impact effort in your proposal.

To see suggested literature connections, select an audience on the Target Audiences page.

What should I do next?

Now that you have gone through the wizard and collected your notes, you're ready to start writing your Broader Impact project plan into your proposal.

Here are your next steps:

  1. Review the key questions below, and the details for each on the Checklist page to make sure you will think through all of the key elements of an effective BI plan.
  2. Grab all of your notes from this Wizard from the Summary page.
  3. Write your plan into your proposal, and work with your partners to finalize your plans.
  4. Come back and use the Checklist to make sure you've included all of the appropriate elements.
  5. Submit your proposal!

Good Luck!

Key Questions for your BI Plan

Take a moment to re-read your BI Plan and ask yourself these important questions:

  1. Does the BI project address one/more of the target outcomes for BI activities outlined by NSF?
  2. What is the potential for the proposed activity to benefit society and contribute to achievement of specific desired societal outcomes?
  3. To what extent do the proposed activities suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts?
  4. Is the plan for carrying out the proposed activities well-reasoned, well organized, and based on a sound rationale? Does the plan incorporate a mechanism to assess success?
  5. How well qualified is the individual, team, or institution to conduct the proposed activities?

This site was developed with the support of the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OIA-1810732, with continued support from OIA-2140950. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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