2. Target Audience and Partners

The next step in planning your BI project is to determine the most appropriate target audience you'd like to reach. Along with that, you will need to identify partners with whom you will work with to reach your intended target audiences. A partner may help you reach out to or meet with an audience, or they may be more actively involved in the project, for example, by developing appropriate resources and materials (e.g., lesson plans, videos, etc.) to support your efforts.
Need help identifying an appropriate target audience? Check out our Audiences page. Need help finding a partner? Check out our Partners page.
Target Audience
Select the general audience(s) you'd like to work with on this project.
Example: Bacteria perform a key role in carbon cycling in aquatic systems. Carbon cycling is necessary for life as it allows for carbon to move from different reservoirs, including biosphere and all of its organisms. Through a deeper understanding of the carbon cycle and the role that microorganisms play, the audience can gain a greater comprehension of the science of climate change.
Key Broader Impact Partners