How is my research relevant to society?
How can you convert the scientific questions you propose into messages relevant to your audience (beyond your peers)? It is important to remember that conversations with your audience are a two way street. You are not just bestowing knowledge in your BI activities, it is a process of learning what is important to your audience and finding common ground to share how your research is relevant and perhaps provide solutions to questions your audience may have about the science. The goal is to understand which aspects of your research are most relevant to them, and what you should prioritize as you share your research beyond your peers.
NSF Examples of BI Priorities
Below are a number of examples of BI projects reflective of the NSF BI priorities as identified on NSF's Broader Impactsreference page, and adapted from their Perspectives on Broader Impacts (pdf).
You can use a variety of approaches to incorporate broader impacts in your research. You can focus on education or outreach or your goal can be to integrate educational or outreach efforts with your research.
The following examples, drawn from past NSF awards in compliance with the PAPPG illustrate the variety of approaches that PIs use to ensure the scientific and societal relevance of their research. These are examples and should not be copied for use in a proposal.
Full participation of women, persons with disabilities and underrepresented minorities in STEM
Improved STEM education and educator development at any level
Increased public STEM literacy and public engagement with STEM
Improved well-being of individuals in society
Development of a diverse, globally competitive STEM workforce
Increased partnerships between academia, industry, and others
Improved national security
Increased economic competitiveness of the United States
Enhanced infrastructure for research and education including facilities, instrumentation, networks and partnerships
Use of science and technology to inform public policy
In Your Proposal
When constructing and reviewing your BI statement, it is important to consider the following questions:
- Does your BI statement address a demonstrated need?
- Are the needs of those participating in your project described?
- Are the benefits to participation described?
- Is the length of the engagement with the participants described and adequate?
- Is there a mechanism described for reaching them?
Reviewers of your proposal will be asking:
- What is the potential for the proposed activity to benefit society and contribute to achievement of specific desired societal outcomes?
- To what extent do the proposed activities suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts?